I bought this electric iron from indiaplaza.in, recently. This side of the box which has use instructions/features is plastered with the airway-bill.
Thus, nothing can be read.Internet shopping is now gathering momentum. The seller and the courier need to be more careful on how customer expectations are met.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Macbeth -Act I,Scene VII
(Macbeth - Act I, Scene VII. Questions taken from the Indispensable Work-Book on Macbeth published by National Publishing House.Suitable for ISC schools, class XI.If you have a query, please post a comment below.Leave your mail id if you need a personal response, else I will post the response on the blog.)

Lady Macbeth
Q1. Who is Macbeth addressing and where is he?
Here Macbeth is talking to himself. He has left the dinner table to without waiting for the king to complete his meal - which is not good manners. His mind is in turmoil. He does not know whether he should proceed to kill king Duncan or give up the plan. He feels that he should not proceed with the plan. This is because he feels that murdering king Duncan will not end the matter there. He feels that this issue would haunt him for the rest of his life. He also feels that there would be natural justice and he would be punished the same way (ie killed like Duncan). Besides Macbeth feel that as he was a cousin of King Duncan, his subject and his host he was duty bound to protect king Duncan and not put him to any kind of trouble.
Q2.There is a play on the word 'done' in the first line (pun). Explain the different meanings of the world as it is used here.
There is a pun on the word done. The first meaning of the word done refers to the act of killing king Duncan. The completion of the killing of king Duncan is one meaning of 'done'. The other meaning of "done" refers to the consequences of killing king Duncan. Macbeth wonders if the consequences of killing king Duncan would also be 'done' with the completion of the killing of Duncan. Macbeth feels that the consequnce of killing king Duncan would not be ' done ' with the killing of Duncan.
Q3.Explain he line 'could trammel up... success'.
This means that Macbeth thinks that if the consequences of killing king Duncan can be contained then it may be possible to execute the plan to kill him. He also thinks that not only must the consequences of the killing be contained but the plan to kill must be executed without failure.He knows that if his plan fails then the consequences of failure would be very dangerous.
Q4.What does macbeth mean by ' We'd jump the life to come"?
Here Macbeth means that he is not afraid of how he would face god on the day of judgement. He is worried about the time on earth after killing Duncan. He is worried about how people will judge him. He is not only worried about how people will treat him but is concerned that he may be treated the same way that he treats king Duncan, that he too may be killed in a similar manner.
Q5.Later in the speech Macbeth talks of "judgement here". What judgement does he mean?
By judgement here, Macbeth means the judgement of the people of the kingdom. He is afraid that he would lose his respect in the kingdom.Not only that he feels that people may treat him the same way that he treated king Duncan - that is, kill him.
Q1.Where is Duncan and why is he there?
King Duncan is at Macbeth's castle in Inverness. He is there to honour Macbeth for defeating enemy forces. He plans to spend the night at Macbeth's castle.
Q2.What "double trust" is Macbeth talking of?
Macbeth is not sure whether he should carry out his plan to kill king Duncan. He realizes that no only is king Duncan his cousin but he is also Macbeth's subject. Thus Macbeth feels that he should not betray this double trust in any manner.
Q3.Macbeth gives a third reason for not killing Duncan. What is it?
The third reason that Macbeth gives for not killing Duncan is that he is the host for the evening. Being the host, he is bound to protect and not harm his guest.
Q4.Pick out the simile in this speech and elaborate upon it.
The simile in this speech is '.. that his virtues will plead like angels". King Duncan was a virtuous king. He ruled his kingdom well. He took care of his subjects and the official of his kingdom. Therefore, Duncan feels that king Duncan was so virtuous that his virtues wills speak like angels in his favour. These virtues are so strong that it will take a lot of effort to attack king Duncan when he is unarmed and asleep.
Q1.Why is Lady Macbeth angry with Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth is angry with Macbeth because he is now reconsidering his plan to kill king Duncan.
Q2.What does Lady Macbeth consider 'ornament of life?
Lady Macbeth considers the crown of the King of Scotland as the ornament of life.
Q3.What adage is Lady Macbeth talking about? How does it apply to Macbeth?
The adage that Lady Macbeth is referring to is about the cat which wants to fish but does not want to get its paws wet. Lady Mabeth uses this old adage to tell Macbeth that Macbeth is like the cat. He wants the crown but does not want to take the effort in securing the crown for himself.
Q4.What does Macbeth say in answer to Lady Macbeth?
Macbeth answers that there is no man who can dare more than him.
Q5. What do we learn of Lady Macbeth's character from these lines?
From these lines that lady Macbeth has good understanding of a person's character. She knows what will provoke a man to act.She know the weakness of a person and is able to exploit these weaknesses. She knows what a person wants and what will make him act to fulfill those wants.
Q1.With which comparison does Lady Macbeth show Macbeth that she is firm in her intentions?
In order to show Macbeth that she is firm with her intention of killing king Duncan, Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth that if she were firm on her intention, then she would even kill her own new born baby no matter how helpless it was, in order to attain her goals.
Q2.What impression do you form of Lady Macbeth from these lines?
When Lady Macebth says that she would even kill her own new born baby in order to attain her ambitions, it becomes very clear that Lady Macbeth is a heartless woman who is ruthless, cunnning and will stop at nothing to attain here goals. This also means that she would betray anyone in order to get to her goals.
Q3. What is Macbeth afraid of "failing at"
Macbeth is afraid of failing at his attempt to kill king Duncan. Macbeth feels that if he fails in this attempt to kill king Duncan, then he will have to stand a trail by the people of Scotland and that he would completely lose all his standing and good-will in society.
Q4."We fail!" What feeling is Lady Macbeth conveying in this phrase?
The meaning that Lady Macbeth is conveying in this phase is that if they prepare right, they cannot fail.
Q5.Explain "screw" your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail.
Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth that he must gather the required courage to execute his plans. She says that if he executes his plan courageously then he will not fail in the execution of his plans.
Q6.After listening to Lady Macbeth's brave words, what does Macbeth say?
Macbeth is inspired to carry out his plans after listining to Lady Macbeth's words. He is so inspired by Lady's Macbeths courage and fearlessness that he tell Lady Macbeth that she must give birth to boys only - for the boy's born to her will be manly and will be fearless.
Q1. Critically analyse Macbeth's soliloquy. What reason does he give for not murdering Duncan?
From Macbeth's soliloqy it is clear that Macbeth is not completely convinced that it is the right thing to kill King Duncan. The prediction of the witches that he would be the king of Scotland is weighing on his mind - yet he is not sure that he should hasten the natural course of events. He is not sure whether the murder of king Ducan would have a fallout which could lead to the popular opinion of the people of Scotland going against him. He says that the the king and the people of Scotand have bestowed many honours on him. He want to enjoy this honour and not squander it away. He feels that even though the guards of king Duncan will be blamed for the murder not everyone in the kingdom will believe this explanation. He fears that he may be put on trail for the murder. He think that god would punish him for this murder on the date of his final judgement but the people of Scotland will punish him sooner. He also believes that he too may be treated the same way that he treats king Duncan. Macbeth also realizes that as a subject of king Duncan,his cousin and his host for the night the has the responsibility of protecting king Ducan. Macbeth also realizes that king Ducan has been a just ruler. He has taken care of his people as well as of Macbeth. Thus, there is no real reason for him to kill king Duncan except for his ambition to become king of Scotland.
He thinks that becoming the king of Scotland is not adequate reason to kill the king of Scotland.
Q2.Compare Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in this scene?
In this scene, the behaviour of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is very contrasting. Macbeth initially doubts the correctness of his decision in attempting to kill king Duncan. He is not sure whether the murder of king Ducan would have a fallout which could lead to the popular opinion of the people of Scotland going against him. He says that the the king and the people of Scotand have bestowed many honours on him. He want to enjoy this honour and not squander it away. He feels that even though the guards of king Duncan will be blamed for the murder not everyone in the kingdom will believe this explanation. He fears that he may be put on trail for the murder. He thinks that god would punish him for this murder on the date of his final judgement but the people of Scotland will punish him sooner. He also believes that he too may be treated the same way that he treats king Duncan. Macbeth also realizes that as a subject of king Duncan,his cousin and his host for the night the has the responsibility of protecting king Ducan. Macbeth also realizes that king Ducan has been a just ruler. He has taken care of his people as well as of Macbeth. Thus, he feels, there is no real reason for him to kill king Duncan except for his ambition to become king of Scotland.
We can see in this scene that Macbeth is vacillating in his intention to kill king Duncan. The goodness of Macbeth's character is also visible in places. He is not all evil and ruthless. He is not single minded in his ambition to become king. He is respectful of the fact that king Duncan has treated him and rewarded him well. He does not want to over look this fact.If he could, he wants to give up his plan to kill king Duncan.
However, Lady Macbeth is a complelty contrasting character. She is the evil force which compels Macbeth into executing the evil plan to kill King Duncan. When Macbeth wants to give up his plan she uses her devious abilities to remind Macbeth,
"was the hope drunk wherein you dress'd yourself? She told Macbeth 'screw your courage to the sticking place". She motivated Macbeth by telling him that she would even kill her own new born baby in order to accomplish her objectives.Thus Macbeth was not all evil. He had a moderate side to him. However, Lady Macbeth was the force behind the evil deeds of Macbeth
Q1. Who is Macbeth addressing and where is he?
Here Macbeth is talking to himself. He has left the dinner table to without waiting for the king to complete his meal - which is not good manners. His mind is in turmoil. He does not know whether he should proceed to kill king Duncan or give up the plan. He feels that he should not proceed with the plan. This is because he feels that murdering king Duncan will not end the matter there. He feels that this issue would haunt him for the rest of his life. He also feels that there would be natural justice and he would be punished the same way (ie killed like Duncan). Besides Macbeth feel that as he was a cousin of King Duncan, his subject and his host he was duty bound to protect king Duncan and not put him to any kind of trouble.
Q2.There is a play on the word 'done' in the first line (pun). Explain the different meanings of the world as it is used here.
There is a pun on the word done. The first meaning of the word done refers to the act of killing king Duncan. The completion of the killing of king Duncan is one meaning of 'done'. The other meaning of "done" refers to the consequences of killing king Duncan. Macbeth wonders if the consequences of killing king Duncan would also be 'done' with the completion of the killing of Duncan. Macbeth feels that the consequnce of killing king Duncan would not be ' done ' with the killing of Duncan.
Q3.Explain he line 'could trammel up... success'.
This means that Macbeth thinks that if the consequences of killing king Duncan can be contained then it may be possible to execute the plan to kill him. He also thinks that not only must the consequences of the killing be contained but the plan to kill must be executed without failure.He knows that if his plan fails then the consequences of failure would be very dangerous.
Q4.What does macbeth mean by ' We'd jump the life to come"?
Here Macbeth means that he is not afraid of how he would face god on the day of judgement. He is worried about the time on earth after killing Duncan. He is worried about how people will judge him. He is not only worried about how people will treat him but is concerned that he may be treated the same way that he treats king Duncan, that he too may be killed in a similar manner.
Q5.Later in the speech Macbeth talks of "judgement here". What judgement does he mean?
By judgement here, Macbeth means the judgement of the people of the kingdom. He is afraid that he would lose his respect in the kingdom.Not only that he feels that people may treat him the same way that he treated king Duncan - that is, kill him.
Q1.Where is Duncan and why is he there?
King Duncan is at Macbeth's castle in Inverness. He is there to honour Macbeth for defeating enemy forces. He plans to spend the night at Macbeth's castle.
Q2.What "double trust" is Macbeth talking of?
Macbeth is not sure whether he should carry out his plan to kill king Duncan. He realizes that no only is king Duncan his cousin but he is also Macbeth's subject. Thus Macbeth feels that he should not betray this double trust in any manner.
Q3.Macbeth gives a third reason for not killing Duncan. What is it?
The third reason that Macbeth gives for not killing Duncan is that he is the host for the evening. Being the host, he is bound to protect and not harm his guest.
Q4.Pick out the simile in this speech and elaborate upon it.
The simile in this speech is '.. that his virtues will plead like angels". King Duncan was a virtuous king. He ruled his kingdom well. He took care of his subjects and the official of his kingdom. Therefore, Duncan feels that king Duncan was so virtuous that his virtues wills speak like angels in his favour. These virtues are so strong that it will take a lot of effort to attack king Duncan when he is unarmed and asleep.
Q1.Why is Lady Macbeth angry with Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth is angry with Macbeth because he is now reconsidering his plan to kill king Duncan.
Q2.What does Lady Macbeth consider 'ornament of life?
Lady Macbeth considers the crown of the King of Scotland as the ornament of life.
Q3.What adage is Lady Macbeth talking about? How does it apply to Macbeth?
The adage that Lady Macbeth is referring to is about the cat which wants to fish but does not want to get its paws wet. Lady Mabeth uses this old adage to tell Macbeth that Macbeth is like the cat. He wants the crown but does not want to take the effort in securing the crown for himself.
Q4.What does Macbeth say in answer to Lady Macbeth?
Macbeth answers that there is no man who can dare more than him.
Q5. What do we learn of Lady Macbeth's character from these lines?
From these lines that lady Macbeth has good understanding of a person's character. She knows what will provoke a man to act.She know the weakness of a person and is able to exploit these weaknesses. She knows what a person wants and what will make him act to fulfill those wants.
Q1.With which comparison does Lady Macbeth show Macbeth that she is firm in her intentions?
In order to show Macbeth that she is firm with her intention of killing king Duncan, Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth that if she were firm on her intention, then she would even kill her own new born baby no matter how helpless it was, in order to attain her goals.
Q2.What impression do you form of Lady Macbeth from these lines?
When Lady Macebth says that she would even kill her own new born baby in order to attain her ambitions, it becomes very clear that Lady Macbeth is a heartless woman who is ruthless, cunnning and will stop at nothing to attain here goals. This also means that she would betray anyone in order to get to her goals.
Q3. What is Macbeth afraid of "failing at"
Macbeth is afraid of failing at his attempt to kill king Duncan. Macbeth feels that if he fails in this attempt to kill king Duncan, then he will have to stand a trail by the people of Scotland and that he would completely lose all his standing and good-will in society.
Q4."We fail!" What feeling is Lady Macbeth conveying in this phrase?
The meaning that Lady Macbeth is conveying in this phase is that if they prepare right, they cannot fail.
Q5.Explain "screw" your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail.
Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth that he must gather the required courage to execute his plans. She says that if he executes his plan courageously then he will not fail in the execution of his plans.
Q6.After listening to Lady Macbeth's brave words, what does Macbeth say?
Macbeth is inspired to carry out his plans after listining to Lady Macbeth's words. He is so inspired by Lady's Macbeths courage and fearlessness that he tell Lady Macbeth that she must give birth to boys only - for the boy's born to her will be manly and will be fearless.
Q1. Critically analyse Macbeth's soliloquy. What reason does he give for not murdering Duncan?
From Macbeth's soliloqy it is clear that Macbeth is not completely convinced that it is the right thing to kill King Duncan. The prediction of the witches that he would be the king of Scotland is weighing on his mind - yet he is not sure that he should hasten the natural course of events. He is not sure whether the murder of king Ducan would have a fallout which could lead to the popular opinion of the people of Scotland going against him. He says that the the king and the people of Scotand have bestowed many honours on him. He want to enjoy this honour and not squander it away. He feels that even though the guards of king Duncan will be blamed for the murder not everyone in the kingdom will believe this explanation. He fears that he may be put on trail for the murder. He think that god would punish him for this murder on the date of his final judgement but the people of Scotland will punish him sooner. He also believes that he too may be treated the same way that he treats king Duncan. Macbeth also realizes that as a subject of king Duncan,his cousin and his host for the night the has the responsibility of protecting king Ducan. Macbeth also realizes that king Ducan has been a just ruler. He has taken care of his people as well as of Macbeth. Thus, there is no real reason for him to kill king Duncan except for his ambition to become king of Scotland.
He thinks that becoming the king of Scotland is not adequate reason to kill the king of Scotland.
Q2.Compare Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in this scene?
In this scene, the behaviour of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is very contrasting. Macbeth initially doubts the correctness of his decision in attempting to kill king Duncan. He is not sure whether the murder of king Ducan would have a fallout which could lead to the popular opinion of the people of Scotland going against him. He says that the the king and the people of Scotand have bestowed many honours on him. He want to enjoy this honour and not squander it away. He feels that even though the guards of king Duncan will be blamed for the murder not everyone in the kingdom will believe this explanation. He fears that he may be put on trail for the murder. He thinks that god would punish him for this murder on the date of his final judgement but the people of Scotland will punish him sooner. He also believes that he too may be treated the same way that he treats king Duncan. Macbeth also realizes that as a subject of king Duncan,his cousin and his host for the night the has the responsibility of protecting king Ducan. Macbeth also realizes that king Ducan has been a just ruler. He has taken care of his people as well as of Macbeth. Thus, he feels, there is no real reason for him to kill king Duncan except for his ambition to become king of Scotland.
We can see in this scene that Macbeth is vacillating in his intention to kill king Duncan. The goodness of Macbeth's character is also visible in places. He is not all evil and ruthless. He is not single minded in his ambition to become king. He is respectful of the fact that king Duncan has treated him and rewarded him well. He does not want to over look this fact.If he could, he wants to give up his plan to kill king Duncan.
However, Lady Macbeth is a complelty contrasting character. She is the evil force which compels Macbeth into executing the evil plan to kill King Duncan. When Macbeth wants to give up his plan she uses her devious abilities to remind Macbeth,
"was the hope drunk wherein you dress'd yourself? She told Macbeth 'screw your courage to the sticking place". She motivated Macbeth by telling him that she would even kill her own new born baby in order to accomplish her objectives.Thus Macbeth was not all evil. He had a moderate side to him. However, Lady Macbeth was the force behind the evil deeds of Macbeth
Macbeth - Act I, Scene VI
(Macbeth - Act I, Scene VI. Questions taken from the Indispensable Work-Book on Macbeth published by National Publishing House.For ISC schools, class XI. If you have a query on these answers please use the comment tab below.Please leave your mail id if you need a personal response. Else,the response will be as a post on the blog.)
Q1.Where is Banquo and why is he there?
Banquo is outside Macbeth's castle in Inverness. He is there at the invitiation of Macbeth. King Duncan and Banquo plan to spend the night at Macbeth's castle in Inverness. This is to celebrate the victories of Macbeth and Banquo over the enemy forces.
Q2.What bird is he referring to and what is its special quality?
Banquo is referring to the Hunting Martlet. The special quality of the Hunting Martlet is that the atmosphere is very pleasant where ever the bird makes its home.
Q3.Explain the line, " The love that follows us sometimes is our trouble".
This means that the subjects of king Duncan love him so much they cause him some trouble. For example, in this case, in honour Macbeth he decided to spend a night in Macbeths castle in Inverness. This is trouble for king Duncan since he had to travel a long distance to get to Macbeth's castle.However, as king Duncan says, this kind of trouble is what he accepts with gratitude and prayer.
Q4.What is Duncan trying to teach his hostess?
Duncan is trying to teach the hostess that which his visit will cause some trouble to the the Macbeth's - this is the type of trouble they should accept with gratitude. Duncan says he too accepts such trouble with gratitude and prayer.
Q5.Comment on Duncan's use of the phase'our honour'd hostess.
King Duncan uses the phase 'our honour'd hostess as a mark of respect for Lady Macbeth. He shows this respect to Lady Macbeth on account of the significant services rendered by Macbeth to safeguard the kingdom of king Duncan.
Q1. Bring out the dramatic irony revealed in the scene.
The scene has dramatic irony. King Duncan and Banquo reach the castle of Macbeth in Inverness. King Duncan decides to spend a night at this castle to honour Macbeth. At the castle, they find the atmosphere very pleasant. Banquo even comments that the presence of the Hunting Martlet is a sign of the place being pleasant. The hostess for the evening, Lady Macbeth is so reverent and subservient towards king Duncan. It appears to be just the perfect setting for the evening to celebrate the victory of Macbeth and Banquo. The setting is very calm and serene. However, the irony of the situation is that while the setting appears peaceful, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are plotting to kill king Duncan and Banquo the same evening after they retire at night.The atmosphere is serene but the minds of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in in great turmoil.They are busy plotting the killing. Therefore, there is only a deceptive calm in the setting.
Q1.Where is Banquo and why is he there?
Banquo is outside Macbeth's castle in Inverness. He is there at the invitiation of Macbeth. King Duncan and Banquo plan to spend the night at Macbeth's castle in Inverness. This is to celebrate the victories of Macbeth and Banquo over the enemy forces.
Q2.What bird is he referring to and what is its special quality?
Banquo is referring to the Hunting Martlet. The special quality of the Hunting Martlet is that the atmosphere is very pleasant where ever the bird makes its home.
Q3.Explain the line, " The love that follows us sometimes is our trouble".
This means that the subjects of king Duncan love him so much they cause him some trouble. For example, in this case, in honour Macbeth he decided to spend a night in Macbeths castle in Inverness. This is trouble for king Duncan since he had to travel a long distance to get to Macbeth's castle.However, as king Duncan says, this kind of trouble is what he accepts with gratitude and prayer.
Q4.What is Duncan trying to teach his hostess?
Duncan is trying to teach the hostess that which his visit will cause some trouble to the the Macbeth's - this is the type of trouble they should accept with gratitude. Duncan says he too accepts such trouble with gratitude and prayer.
Q5.Comment on Duncan's use of the phase'our honour'd hostess.
King Duncan uses the phase 'our honour'd hostess as a mark of respect for Lady Macbeth. He shows this respect to Lady Macbeth on account of the significant services rendered by Macbeth to safeguard the kingdom of king Duncan.
Q1. Bring out the dramatic irony revealed in the scene.
The scene has dramatic irony. King Duncan and Banquo reach the castle of Macbeth in Inverness. King Duncan decides to spend a night at this castle to honour Macbeth. At the castle, they find the atmosphere very pleasant. Banquo even comments that the presence of the Hunting Martlet is a sign of the place being pleasant. The hostess for the evening, Lady Macbeth is so reverent and subservient towards king Duncan. It appears to be just the perfect setting for the evening to celebrate the victory of Macbeth and Banquo. The setting is very calm and serene. However, the irony of the situation is that while the setting appears peaceful, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are plotting to kill king Duncan and Banquo the same evening after they retire at night.The atmosphere is serene but the minds of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in in great turmoil.They are busy plotting the killing. Therefore, there is only a deceptive calm in the setting.
The Corn Job
The "Bhutta" of the past has now been re-launched as American Corn. You will find them in malls,airports and on busy high streets.
The Hot & Juicy Stall at Mumbai's domestic airport (IB)
This is the same stall as above. Notice, this is the stall which has a queue. The other stalls (Hot Dog and Baskin Robbins) are deserted (pun unintended).
This just shows that a re-launch does not even need a lot of advertising. Just build a better mouse-trap and the world will beat the path to your door (provided there are mice to be caught by the better mouse-trap)
The Hot & Juicy Stall at Mumbai's domestic airport (IB)
This is the same stall as above. Notice, this is the stall which has a queue. The other stalls (Hot Dog and Baskin Robbins) are deserted (pun unintended).
This just shows that a re-launch does not even need a lot of advertising. Just build a better mouse-trap and the world will beat the path to your door (provided there are mice to be caught by the better mouse-trap)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Macbeth - Act I, Scene V
(Macbeth - Act I, Scene V. Questions taken from the Indispensable Work-Book on Macbeth published by National Publishing House.Suitable for class XI of ISC schools)
Q1.Who is Lady Macbeth talking to and what are the circumstances?
Lady Macbeth is talking to herself in this extract. The circumstances are that lady Macbeth has just been informed by Macbeth, through a letter, that the witches have informed him that he would be the king of Scotland. In this extract she plan on how she will talk to Macbeth, once he reaches home, on her plan to kill Duncan and become the king of Scotland.
Q2.What is lady Macbeth referring to in the first line?
In the first line lady Macbeth says that Duncan would not do anything which is wrong.Lady Macbeth wishes that Macbeth would kill king Duncan to take over as the king of Scotland. However, she know that Macbeth is too kind to do such a dastardly act.She therefore plans to poison Macbeth's mind to make him strong-willed enough to carry out the plan to murder king Duncan.
Q3.In the line " Thus thou must do if thou have it". What do "thus" and "it" refer to.
Here Lady Macbeth wishes that Macbeth adopts the attitude of " I want to be the king of Scotland and therefore I will do whatever is required to achieve this goal" "Thus" refer to Macbeth getting convinced to kill king Duncan. "It" refers to the deed of killing king Duncan.
Q4.Explain the line "and that which..... undone"
This line is spoken by lady Macbeth when Macbeth is not present. Here Lady Macbeth tell herself that if Macbeth carry's out the act of killing king Duncan he would not regret the act.She goes on to think at once done, Macbeth would be so happy with the outcome that he would not want the act to be reversed even if that were possible.
Q5.Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth "hither".What does she propose to do?
Once Macbeth arrives she proposes to use the power of here speech to fill his mind with courage to take the decision to kill king Duncan. She want to motivate Macbeth to carry out the act of killing Duncan so that he could take over as the king of Scotland.
Q6.Earlier in the speech she says that " I fear thy nature" Why does she fear Macbeth's nature.
Lady Macbeth fear Macbeth's nature because Macbeth, by nature, is straightforward and would not do anything which is illegal or immoral. Macbeth does not believe in foul play.Macbeth was ambitious but would not adopt crooked ways to achieve his goals. Lady Macbeth fears this nature of Macbeth because she feels that because of his straightforward nature, Macbeth would not agree to her plan of killing king Duncan and becoming the ruler of Scotland.
Q7.What metaphysical "aid" is Lady Macbeth referring to? How has it helped Macbeth?
The metaphysical "aid" which Lady Macbeth is referring to is that meeting of Macbeth with the three witches where the witches had informed Macbeth that he would become the king of Scotland. By recalling the prophesy of the witches, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to carry out the plan to kill king Duncan.
Q1.Who is Lady Macbeth talking to? What has she been told and by whom?
Lady Macbeth is talking to the spirits.She is asking them to make her cruel and without remorse and compassion. She is asking the spirits to make her unwomanlike in her attitude.She is saying this to get the courage to make Macbeth carry out the act of killing king Duncan. She has been told by the messenger that Macbeth and king Duncan are on the way to the castle.
Q2.Why does she wish to be "unsexed"?
She wishes to be unsexed becuase a woman is not normally capable of doing cruel deeds. She has to carry out the plan of killing king Duncan. She feels that her woman like qualities of compassion and kindness will come in the way of her executing the act of killing king Duncan. She therefore wishes her womanly qualities are take away to that she can carry out the killing of king Duncan without remorse.
Q3.What do you understand by "compunctious visitings of nature"?
This means that Lady Macbeth wants to steel herself so much that her womanly qualities do no women in the way of her plan to kill king Duncan.She does not want her feelings to come in the way of killing a person who was their guest.
Q4.What "fell purpose" is Lady Macbeth talking about?
The world "fell" means foul.This "fell" purpose refers to the Lady Macbeth's plan to kill king Duncan when he came to visit them at their castle in inverness.
Q5.Explain "nor keep... between the effect and it".
Lady Macbeth does not want anything to come between her desire to kill king Duncan and the execution of the deed.
Q1.How is Macbeth's face an "open book" and what "matter can people read?
Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth that his face is like an "open book". That is what goes on in Macbeth's mind is visible on this face. Lady Macbeth fears that Macbeth's the going ons in Macbeth's mind is so visible on his face that people will see on his face his plan to kill king Duncan.
Q2.Explain the line " to beguile the time/look like the time".
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that since his face was like an open book, he should "beguile the time" that is, his face and look must deceive the world.No one should know from this face what was going on in his mind. "Look like the time" means that Macbeth must show that he is happy and must welcome everyone to his castle.
Q3.Pick out the simile in the passage and explain it.
The simile in the passage is "Your face, my thane, is as a book...". This is a simile because Lady Macbeth compares Macbeth's face to a book. She compares his face to a book becuase she feels that people could read his face for his thoughts as easily as someone reads a book.
Q4.Who is expected and with whom?
King Duncan is expected to visit the castle at inverness. He was expected to arrive along with Macbeth.
Q5.What does Lady Macbeth plan to do?
Lady Macbeth plans to arrange to kill king Duncan while he slept at the castle in Inverness.
Q1.Write a note on the soliloquy uttered by Lady Macbeth. Give a brief impression of her character as revealed by Shakespeare in the scene.
Lady Macbeth's soliloquy is inspired by her obsessive desire to convince Macbeth to execute her plan to kill king Duncan.This soliloquy reveal her murderous thoughts. In the soliloquy she requests the spirits to take away her womanly qualities so that they do not create any remorse in her mind in planning the murder of kind Duncan. She request the sprirts to fill her with cruelty to enable her to execute her task successfully. In her soliloquy she asks the night to become so dark that no one can see the gleam of the sharp knife that would be used to kill king Duncan. Her soliloquy also reveals her fears.She feels that Macbeth is too soft an too kind to commit the act of murdering king Duncan.She thinks of what she would tell Macbeth to ensure that he has enough resolve to kill king Duncan.
Lady Macbeth is a very determined and ambitious woman. She is ambitious not only for herself but also for her husband. Her soliloquy reveals her mind on how she would convince Macbeth to undertake the task of killing king Duncan.
Q2."Lady Macbeth is not as ruthless as she appears to be" Contrast her character as shown in Act I, Scene V to Act V, Scene I , later on in the play.
In act I, Scene V, the ruthless personality of Lady Macbeth comes to the fore. Here she plots to kill king Duncan. She is shown here to strengthen her husbands resolve to kill king Duncan. She is seen a a tough woman who even asks the spirits to take away her womanly quality so that it does not come in the way of her executing her plans. She is shown being critical of Macbeths honest and transparent personality.She feels that Macbeths non-conniving nature is an impediment in the way of executing her plan. She even tell Macbeth that the plan would be executed under her supervision. Macbeth would only the the executor of the plans.
However, this behaviour is a complete contrast to her behaviour in Act V Scene I where she is a completely broken woman.She sleeps walks. She has no control over what she says. This is a complete contrast to her personality in the earlier act where she was in complete control of what she said and even what Macbeth said. In the latter act she is a broken-down woman who is regretting her action to killing king Duncan. This act has adversly affected her mental health. In the latter act she tries to get rid of imaginary blood stains from her hand. It is clear that her mental state is unstable. She is no longer the woman she was.
Q1.Who is Lady Macbeth talking to and what are the circumstances?
Lady Macbeth is talking to herself in this extract. The circumstances are that lady Macbeth has just been informed by Macbeth, through a letter, that the witches have informed him that he would be the king of Scotland. In this extract she plan on how she will talk to Macbeth, once he reaches home, on her plan to kill Duncan and become the king of Scotland.
Q2.What is lady Macbeth referring to in the first line?
In the first line lady Macbeth says that Duncan would not do anything which is wrong.Lady Macbeth wishes that Macbeth would kill king Duncan to take over as the king of Scotland. However, she know that Macbeth is too kind to do such a dastardly act.She therefore plans to poison Macbeth's mind to make him strong-willed enough to carry out the plan to murder king Duncan.
Q3.In the line " Thus thou must do if thou have it". What do "thus" and "it" refer to.
Here Lady Macbeth wishes that Macbeth adopts the attitude of " I want to be the king of Scotland and therefore I will do whatever is required to achieve this goal" "Thus" refer to Macbeth getting convinced to kill king Duncan. "It" refers to the deed of killing king Duncan.
Q4.Explain the line "and that which..... undone"
This line is spoken by lady Macbeth when Macbeth is not present. Here Lady Macbeth tell herself that if Macbeth carry's out the act of killing king Duncan he would not regret the act.She goes on to think at once done, Macbeth would be so happy with the outcome that he would not want the act to be reversed even if that were possible.
Q5.Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth "hither".What does she propose to do?
Once Macbeth arrives she proposes to use the power of here speech to fill his mind with courage to take the decision to kill king Duncan. She want to motivate Macbeth to carry out the act of killing Duncan so that he could take over as the king of Scotland.
Q6.Earlier in the speech she says that " I fear thy nature" Why does she fear Macbeth's nature.
Lady Macbeth fear Macbeth's nature because Macbeth, by nature, is straightforward and would not do anything which is illegal or immoral. Macbeth does not believe in foul play.Macbeth was ambitious but would not adopt crooked ways to achieve his goals. Lady Macbeth fears this nature of Macbeth because she feels that because of his straightforward nature, Macbeth would not agree to her plan of killing king Duncan and becoming the ruler of Scotland.
Q7.What metaphysical "aid" is Lady Macbeth referring to? How has it helped Macbeth?
The metaphysical "aid" which Lady Macbeth is referring to is that meeting of Macbeth with the three witches where the witches had informed Macbeth that he would become the king of Scotland. By recalling the prophesy of the witches, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to carry out the plan to kill king Duncan.
Q1.Who is Lady Macbeth talking to? What has she been told and by whom?
Lady Macbeth is talking to the spirits.She is asking them to make her cruel and without remorse and compassion. She is asking the spirits to make her unwomanlike in her attitude.She is saying this to get the courage to make Macbeth carry out the act of killing king Duncan. She has been told by the messenger that Macbeth and king Duncan are on the way to the castle.
Q2.Why does she wish to be "unsexed"?
She wishes to be unsexed becuase a woman is not normally capable of doing cruel deeds. She has to carry out the plan of killing king Duncan. She feels that her woman like qualities of compassion and kindness will come in the way of her executing the act of killing king Duncan. She therefore wishes her womanly qualities are take away to that she can carry out the killing of king Duncan without remorse.
Q3.What do you understand by "compunctious visitings of nature"?
This means that Lady Macbeth wants to steel herself so much that her womanly qualities do no women in the way of her plan to kill king Duncan.She does not want her feelings to come in the way of killing a person who was their guest.
Q4.What "fell purpose" is Lady Macbeth talking about?
The world "fell" means foul.This "fell" purpose refers to the Lady Macbeth's plan to kill king Duncan when he came to visit them at their castle in inverness.
Q5.Explain "nor keep... between the effect and it".
Lady Macbeth does not want anything to come between her desire to kill king Duncan and the execution of the deed.
Q1.How is Macbeth's face an "open book" and what "matter can people read?
Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth that his face is like an "open book". That is what goes on in Macbeth's mind is visible on this face. Lady Macbeth fears that Macbeth's the going ons in Macbeth's mind is so visible on his face that people will see on his face his plan to kill king Duncan.
Q2.Explain the line " to beguile the time/look like the time".
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that since his face was like an open book, he should "beguile the time" that is, his face and look must deceive the world.No one should know from this face what was going on in his mind. "Look like the time" means that Macbeth must show that he is happy and must welcome everyone to his castle.
Q3.Pick out the simile in the passage and explain it.
The simile in the passage is "Your face, my thane, is as a book...". This is a simile because Lady Macbeth compares Macbeth's face to a book. She compares his face to a book becuase she feels that people could read his face for his thoughts as easily as someone reads a book.
Q4.Who is expected and with whom?
King Duncan is expected to visit the castle at inverness. He was expected to arrive along with Macbeth.
Q5.What does Lady Macbeth plan to do?
Lady Macbeth plans to arrange to kill king Duncan while he slept at the castle in Inverness.
Q1.Write a note on the soliloquy uttered by Lady Macbeth. Give a brief impression of her character as revealed by Shakespeare in the scene.
Lady Macbeth's soliloquy is inspired by her obsessive desire to convince Macbeth to execute her plan to kill king Duncan.This soliloquy reveal her murderous thoughts. In the soliloquy she requests the spirits to take away her womanly qualities so that they do not create any remorse in her mind in planning the murder of kind Duncan. She request the sprirts to fill her with cruelty to enable her to execute her task successfully. In her soliloquy she asks the night to become so dark that no one can see the gleam of the sharp knife that would be used to kill king Duncan. Her soliloquy also reveals her fears.She feels that Macbeth is too soft an too kind to commit the act of murdering king Duncan.She thinks of what she would tell Macbeth to ensure that he has enough resolve to kill king Duncan.
Lady Macbeth is a very determined and ambitious woman. She is ambitious not only for herself but also for her husband. Her soliloquy reveals her mind on how she would convince Macbeth to undertake the task of killing king Duncan.
Q2."Lady Macbeth is not as ruthless as she appears to be" Contrast her character as shown in Act I, Scene V to Act V, Scene I , later on in the play.
In act I, Scene V, the ruthless personality of Lady Macbeth comes to the fore. Here she plots to kill king Duncan. She is shown here to strengthen her husbands resolve to kill king Duncan. She is seen a a tough woman who even asks the spirits to take away her womanly quality so that it does not come in the way of her executing her plans. She is shown being critical of Macbeths honest and transparent personality.She feels that Macbeths non-conniving nature is an impediment in the way of executing her plan. She even tell Macbeth that the plan would be executed under her supervision. Macbeth would only the the executor of the plans.
However, this behaviour is a complete contrast to her behaviour in Act V Scene I where she is a completely broken woman.She sleeps walks. She has no control over what she says. This is a complete contrast to her personality in the earlier act where she was in complete control of what she said and even what Macbeth said. In the latter act she is a broken-down woman who is regretting her action to killing king Duncan. This act has adversly affected her mental health. In the latter act she tries to get rid of imaginary blood stains from her hand. It is clear that her mental state is unstable. She is no longer the woman she was.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Macbeth - Act I, Scene IV
(Macbeth - Act I, Scene IV. Questions taken from the Indispensable Work-Book on Macbeth published by National Publishing house.Suitable for ISC class XI.)
Q1.Who is being talked about. How did he die?
The Thane of Cawdor is being talked about here. He died because he was executed on orders from king Duncan. King Duncan ordered him to be killed as he has rebelled against king Duncan and has assisted the king of Norway in attacking the forces of king Duncan.
Q2.Why did the man meet this kind of death?
The man (the Thane of Cawdor) met this kind of death as he has betrayed king Duncan of Scotland by assisting the king of Norway in attacking king Duncan.
Q3. Explain the line ' he died as one that had been studied in this death'.
This line means that the Thane of Cawdor was expecting to be put to death by king Duncan of Scotland as punishment for having assisted the enemy of the the King. The word 'studied' means prepared. The Thane of Cawdor was ready for death when he was executed.
Q4.What is Malcolm's attitude towards this man as seen in this speech?
Malcolm's attitude towards the Thane of Cawdor was one of casualness and disdain. " I have spoken to one who saw him die" shows this casualness. Malcolm's attitude is also of complete lack of sympathy for the Thane of Cawdor.Malcolm's felt that death was the only option to the Thane of Cawdor for his cowardice.
Q5.Comment on Duncan's word's. What is the dramatic irony here?
King Duncan says that there is no way you can read the mind of a person. One cannot know what the other person is thinking.King Duncan means that he trusted the Thane of Cawdor completely. However, the Thane of Cawdor betrayed his trust and sided with the King of Norway and attacked his kingdom. The dramatic irony of this is that king Duncan is now about to place a similar trust on Macbeth by making him the new Thane of Cawdor. As future events unfold, Duncan will be betrayed by Macbeth just the way he was betrayed by the earlier Thane of Cawdor.
Q6.Where is scene taking place? What is the occasion?
This scene is taking place in Forres in the palace of king Duncan.The occasion is the return of Macbeth and Banquo from the battlefield after defeating the Thane of Cawdor and the King of Norway.
Q7.Explain the line "That the proportion... been mine.
These words spoken by king Duncan means that king Ducan feels that he cannot thank Macbeth enough for protecting his kingdom from the enemy forces. King Duncan means that the enormity of the service rendered by Macbeth is so much that no compensation will be adequate to repay the services rendered by Macbeth.Duncan means that the pleasure of rewarding Macbeth cannot be his because there is no reward worth the service rendered by Macbeth. If Macbeth had deserved less then king Duncan could have rewarded him adequately.
Q8.What has Macbeth done to make the king grateful to him?
Macbeth defeated the combined forces of the Thane of Cawdor and the King of Norway to save the kingdom of Scotland from the invaders.They also defeated the forces of Macdonald the rebel. This made king Duncan grateful to Macbeth and Banquo.
Q9.Just before these lines, Duncan uses a metaphor to express similar feeling of gratitude. What was the metaphor?
The metaphor that Duncan uses is " the swiftest wings of recompense is slow to overtake thee".By this he means that by the services rendered by Macbeth he had gone so far (in term of obligation to king Duncan) that even the best compensation could not over take the services rendered by Macbeth.
Q10.What is your reaction to Macbeth's answer in view of his later action?
King Duncan tell Macbeth that there was no reward good enough to compensate Macbeth for his services to the kingdom. To this Macbeth replies that whatever he did was as per his oath of loyalty.Macbeth said that he was duty bound to do what he had done. My reaction of Macbeths's answer is that Macbeth was completely dishonest in his reply.His reply was untruthful.He was scheming to kill the king yet was talking about his loyalty to the king and the kingdom.
Q11.Who is the prince of Cumberland?
King Duncan announced that his eldest son Malcolm would be appointed as the king of Cumberland.
Q12.Why is Macbeth perturbed at the thought of his name?
Macbeth is perturbed at the thought of his name because Macbeth was nursing the ambition of becoming the king of Scotland after king Duncan.The appointment of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland as the heir to Duncan's throne perturbed Macbeth as this would prevent him from becoming the king of Scotland.
Q13. What does he mean by 'on which i must fall down, or o'rleap?
By this Macbeth means that the appointment of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland is a stumbling block in his ambition of becoming the king of Scotland. Macbeth means that the appointment of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland is a step over which he must lead (overcome) or stumble (fail).
Q14.What are Macbeth's "black and deep desires"?
Macbeth's black and deep desires are about overthrowing king Duncan to become the ruler of Scotland.
Q15.Explain the expression, 'The eye wink at the hand'.
Macbeth's burning desire, after the witches had told him that he would be king of Scotland, was to take over as the ruler of Scotland. However, the announcement of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland and the future king of Scotland, upset Macbeth's plans. He therefore plots to kill king Duncan and take over as the ruler of Scotland. He knew that his was an dastardly act and says that his eyes must not see what his hand does - that is his deed must remain a big secret.
Q16.Comment on the dramatic irony in the scene(scene IV of Act I).
This scene has dramatic irony. In this scene, the victorious Macbeth and Banquo come back to the palace of king Duncan in Forres.They are warmly welcomed by king Duncan and greatly rewarded for accomplishing their task. King Duncan is upset that the earlier Thane of Cawdor, on whom he put his complete trust, betrayed him. He says that is it impossible to say what is going on in a man's mind.
Nevertheless, he makes Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor and reposes full trust in him. He also indicates to Macbeth that there would be more rewards for him in future. In order to honour Macbeth, he decides to spend a night in Macbeth's castle in Inverness.
The dramatic irony in this scene is that while on one hand king Duncan is felicitating Macbeth, on the other hand Macbeth is planning to betray king Duncan. He is planning to do what the earlier Thane of Cawdor did to king Duncan ie betrayed him and the trust that was placed in him. Macbeth plans to kill king Duncan and take over as the king of Scotland.
Q17.Express your views on the line: " There's no art, To find the mind's construction in the face.
When king Duncan thinks about the betrayal by the Thane of Cawdor, he thinks about the trust that he had placed on the Thane of Cawdor and how he was betrayed by the very person on whom he placed his trust. Then he thinks that there is no way one can find out what a man is thinking. How does one know or find out who is trust worthy and who is not by just looking at a man's face.
He is now going to place his full trust on Macbeth and is going to make Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor. However, as the future events will tell us, even this trust is going to be misplaced. He would once more be betrayed by Macbeth - thus history repeats itself. King Duncan's misgivings that one cannot know who to trust is there for his bane. The lack of trust has caused his downfall.
Q18. Give your own views of the character of Duncan, supporting your statements with quotations from the play.
King Duncan was a kind hearted, generous,trusting and caring ruler. He gave the Thanes (the head of each district who reported to the king) of his kingdom respect and autonomy.The fact that he gave the Thanes autonomy was apparent from the the fact that the Thane of Cawdor could put together an army to attack king Duncan and even side with an enemy - the king of Norway. We can say that king Duncan was generous from the way he treated Macbeth and Banquo after they returned victorious from the battlefield. They were generously rewarded. Yet, king Duncan felt that no reward could compensate them for the bravery they displayed in the battle-field.
King Duncan also treated his lieutenants almost like his equal.We can say that because in order to honour Macbeth, he decides to spend a night at Macbeth's castle in Inverness. King Duncan's weakness was that he was too trusting and not a very good judge of people. We can say that becuase even though he realizes, after the betrayal by the Thane of Cawdor, that one cannot find out what a person is thinking he make the mistake of trusting Macbeth too much.His trusting nature leads him to his death.
(Check this additional reference on the web which you may find useful:http://www.megaessays.com/essay_search/king_scotland.html)
Q1.Who is being talked about. How did he die?
The Thane of Cawdor is being talked about here. He died because he was executed on orders from king Duncan. King Duncan ordered him to be killed as he has rebelled against king Duncan and has assisted the king of Norway in attacking the forces of king Duncan.
Q2.Why did the man meet this kind of death?
The man (the Thane of Cawdor) met this kind of death as he has betrayed king Duncan of Scotland by assisting the king of Norway in attacking king Duncan.
Q3. Explain the line ' he died as one that had been studied in this death'.
This line means that the Thane of Cawdor was expecting to be put to death by king Duncan of Scotland as punishment for having assisted the enemy of the the King. The word 'studied' means prepared. The Thane of Cawdor was ready for death when he was executed.
Q4.What is Malcolm's attitude towards this man as seen in this speech?
Malcolm's attitude towards the Thane of Cawdor was one of casualness and disdain. " I have spoken to one who saw him die" shows this casualness. Malcolm's attitude is also of complete lack of sympathy for the Thane of Cawdor.Malcolm's felt that death was the only option to the Thane of Cawdor for his cowardice.
Q5.Comment on Duncan's word's. What is the dramatic irony here?
King Duncan says that there is no way you can read the mind of a person. One cannot know what the other person is thinking.King Duncan means that he trusted the Thane of Cawdor completely. However, the Thane of Cawdor betrayed his trust and sided with the King of Norway and attacked his kingdom. The dramatic irony of this is that king Duncan is now about to place a similar trust on Macbeth by making him the new Thane of Cawdor. As future events unfold, Duncan will be betrayed by Macbeth just the way he was betrayed by the earlier Thane of Cawdor.
Q6.Where is scene taking place? What is the occasion?
This scene is taking place in Forres in the palace of king Duncan.The occasion is the return of Macbeth and Banquo from the battlefield after defeating the Thane of Cawdor and the King of Norway.
Q7.Explain the line "That the proportion... been mine.
These words spoken by king Duncan means that king Ducan feels that he cannot thank Macbeth enough for protecting his kingdom from the enemy forces. King Duncan means that the enormity of the service rendered by Macbeth is so much that no compensation will be adequate to repay the services rendered by Macbeth.Duncan means that the pleasure of rewarding Macbeth cannot be his because there is no reward worth the service rendered by Macbeth. If Macbeth had deserved less then king Duncan could have rewarded him adequately.
Q8.What has Macbeth done to make the king grateful to him?
Macbeth defeated the combined forces of the Thane of Cawdor and the King of Norway to save the kingdom of Scotland from the invaders.They also defeated the forces of Macdonald the rebel. This made king Duncan grateful to Macbeth and Banquo.
Q9.Just before these lines, Duncan uses a metaphor to express similar feeling of gratitude. What was the metaphor?
The metaphor that Duncan uses is " the swiftest wings of recompense is slow to overtake thee".By this he means that by the services rendered by Macbeth he had gone so far (in term of obligation to king Duncan) that even the best compensation could not over take the services rendered by Macbeth.
Q10.What is your reaction to Macbeth's answer in view of his later action?
King Duncan tell Macbeth that there was no reward good enough to compensate Macbeth for his services to the kingdom. To this Macbeth replies that whatever he did was as per his oath of loyalty.Macbeth said that he was duty bound to do what he had done. My reaction of Macbeths's answer is that Macbeth was completely dishonest in his reply.His reply was untruthful.He was scheming to kill the king yet was talking about his loyalty to the king and the kingdom.
Q11.Who is the prince of Cumberland?
King Duncan announced that his eldest son Malcolm would be appointed as the king of Cumberland.
Q12.Why is Macbeth perturbed at the thought of his name?
Macbeth is perturbed at the thought of his name because Macbeth was nursing the ambition of becoming the king of Scotland after king Duncan.The appointment of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland as the heir to Duncan's throne perturbed Macbeth as this would prevent him from becoming the king of Scotland.
Q13. What does he mean by 'on which i must fall down, or o'rleap?
By this Macbeth means that the appointment of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland is a stumbling block in his ambition of becoming the king of Scotland. Macbeth means that the appointment of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland is a step over which he must lead (overcome) or stumble (fail).
Q14.What are Macbeth's "black and deep desires"?
Macbeth's black and deep desires are about overthrowing king Duncan to become the ruler of Scotland.
Q15.Explain the expression, 'The eye wink at the hand'.
Macbeth's burning desire, after the witches had told him that he would be king of Scotland, was to take over as the ruler of Scotland. However, the announcement of Malcolm as the price of Cumberland and the future king of Scotland, upset Macbeth's plans. He therefore plots to kill king Duncan and take over as the ruler of Scotland. He knew that his was an dastardly act and says that his eyes must not see what his hand does - that is his deed must remain a big secret.
Q16.Comment on the dramatic irony in the scene(scene IV of Act I).
This scene has dramatic irony. In this scene, the victorious Macbeth and Banquo come back to the palace of king Duncan in Forres.They are warmly welcomed by king Duncan and greatly rewarded for accomplishing their task. King Duncan is upset that the earlier Thane of Cawdor, on whom he put his complete trust, betrayed him. He says that is it impossible to say what is going on in a man's mind.
Nevertheless, he makes Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor and reposes full trust in him. He also indicates to Macbeth that there would be more rewards for him in future. In order to honour Macbeth, he decides to spend a night in Macbeth's castle in Inverness.
The dramatic irony in this scene is that while on one hand king Duncan is felicitating Macbeth, on the other hand Macbeth is planning to betray king Duncan. He is planning to do what the earlier Thane of Cawdor did to king Duncan ie betrayed him and the trust that was placed in him. Macbeth plans to kill king Duncan and take over as the king of Scotland.
Q17.Express your views on the line: " There's no art, To find the mind's construction in the face.
When king Duncan thinks about the betrayal by the Thane of Cawdor, he thinks about the trust that he had placed on the Thane of Cawdor and how he was betrayed by the very person on whom he placed his trust. Then he thinks that there is no way one can find out what a man is thinking. How does one know or find out who is trust worthy and who is not by just looking at a man's face.
He is now going to place his full trust on Macbeth and is going to make Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor. However, as the future events will tell us, even this trust is going to be misplaced. He would once more be betrayed by Macbeth - thus history repeats itself. King Duncan's misgivings that one cannot know who to trust is there for his bane. The lack of trust has caused his downfall.
Q18. Give your own views of the character of Duncan, supporting your statements with quotations from the play.
King Duncan was a kind hearted, generous,trusting and caring ruler. He gave the Thanes (the head of each district who reported to the king) of his kingdom respect and autonomy.The fact that he gave the Thanes autonomy was apparent from the the fact that the Thane of Cawdor could put together an army to attack king Duncan and even side with an enemy - the king of Norway. We can say that king Duncan was generous from the way he treated Macbeth and Banquo after they returned victorious from the battlefield. They were generously rewarded. Yet, king Duncan felt that no reward could compensate them for the bravery they displayed in the battle-field.
King Duncan also treated his lieutenants almost like his equal.We can say that because in order to honour Macbeth, he decides to spend a night at Macbeth's castle in Inverness. King Duncan's weakness was that he was too trusting and not a very good judge of people. We can say that becuase even though he realizes, after the betrayal by the Thane of Cawdor, that one cannot find out what a person is thinking he make the mistake of trusting Macbeth too much.His trusting nature leads him to his death.
(Check this additional reference on the web which you may find useful:http://www.megaessays.com/essay_search/king_scotland.html)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Problem of Poverty in India
(The Problem of Poverty in India. Questions taken from ISC Economic published by Frank Bros.Suitable for class XI ISC schools)
Q1.What do you mean by the "Poverty Line" in the Indian context. Explain the extent of poverty in India.
Poverty is defined as that situation in which an individual fails to earn income sufficient to buy him the bare means of subsistence. "Bare means of subsistence" consists of minimum quantities of cereals,pulses,milk butter etc. If a person does not have sufficient income to enable him to purchase this he is categorized as poor.
To measure the number of poor people in the country the concept of poverty line is used.Poverty line has been defined in term of food poverty.The poverty line indicates the income level which is just sufficient to buy the basic minimum quantity of food required for subsistence. The Planning Commission has defined the poverty line in terms of nutritional requirement of 2,400 calories per day per person for rural areas and 2,100 calories for urban areas.
During the period of 1956-57 about 65% of the rural population was below the poverty line. This decreased to about 46% in 1973-74.The percentage of urban poverty was about 50% during this period.The total number of people below poverty during this period was about 215 million. However, with the increasing GDP poverty has been coming down steadily. Only 22% of the population was estimated to be below poverty in 2004-05. On account of the population increase the total number of people below poverty is estimated to be about 260 million.
Q2."Despite economic growth massive poverty continues to exist in the country". How would you explain this phenomenon?
Upto the Fourth Plan, the government focused on economic growth to reduce poverty. It was thought that the trickle down effect of economic growth would reduce poverty. However, inspite of economic growth, poverty continues to exist in the country on account of the big increases in population.The current economic growth of about 8% cannot eliminate poverty as long as the population keeps increasing.Besides, on account of the lack of education the benefits of economic growth has not percolated to the less educated groups and the weaker sections of the society. Economic growth has been driven by the growth in the service sector. As a result the rural poor have not significantly benefited by this growth and therefore poverty continues to exist in this country.
Q3.Discuss briefly three special poverty alleviation programmes presently in operation in India.
Since the Fifth Five Year plan onwards (1974-79)Poverty Alleviation Programmes(PAP) have been an integral part of the attack on the problem of poverty.Various Poverty Alleviation Programmes have been launched to eliminate poverty.These schemes generate employment for the poor residing in rural areas and small towns. Some of these are:
Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yogna
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
Employment Assurance Scheme
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
Food for Work Programme
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Prime Minister's Rozgar Yogna
A detailed description of three of these are :
Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS): EAS was implemented from October 1993 in 1778 backward blocks situated in drought prone, desert,tribal and hilly areas. It was subsequently expanded to all rural blocks in the country.The cost of this scheme was shared by the Center and State governments in the ratio of 75:25.
The two main objective of the EAS are:
- to provide 100 days of work for 2 members of a rural family in an agricultural lean season.This is to create wage employment opportunities for rural people living below the poverty line.
- to use this scheme to provide the community with a durable productive community asset like irrigation canals,roads etc.
Food for Work Programme(FWP):This programme was launched in 2001.This programme was launched in drought affected rural areas of eight states. Under this scheme wage employment was created. Wages were paid party in foodgrains and partly in cash.This scheme was implemented by state governments.The Central Government helped the state government by providing food grain to be used as wage payment,free of cost.
Indira Awaas Yojana(IAY):This scheme is a poverty alleviation program used for constructing houses go be given to the poor.The rural poor were employed for the construction of houses for the poor,SC/ST and freed bonded labourers. This scheme is funded by the center and the states in the ratio of 75:25. Upto the end of 2006 153 lakh houses have been constructed under this scheme.
Q4.Assess the efficacy of poverty alleviation programme in the country.
Poverty alleviation programmes have been implemented from the Fifth Five year plan (1974-79). Since independence till the early 1970's there was no significant reduction of poverty in India. However, after the introduction of poverty alleviation programmes there has been a significant reduction in poverty.
The main achievement of the Poverty Alleviation Programmes are:
- the population below poverty has reduced from 55% in 1974-79 to 26% in 1999-2000.A 29% reduction in poverty is a significant achievement.
- the introduction of PAP has lead to an increase in wages in their area of operation.
- nutrition level of the poorest has improved.
- about half the increase in the income of the poor has been account of PAP.
All these achievements in about 17 years indicates that Poverty Alleviation Programmes have been successful in the country.
Q1.What do you mean by the "Poverty Line" in the Indian context. Explain the extent of poverty in India.
Poverty is defined as that situation in which an individual fails to earn income sufficient to buy him the bare means of subsistence. "Bare means of subsistence" consists of minimum quantities of cereals,pulses,milk butter etc. If a person does not have sufficient income to enable him to purchase this he is categorized as poor.
To measure the number of poor people in the country the concept of poverty line is used.Poverty line has been defined in term of food poverty.The poverty line indicates the income level which is just sufficient to buy the basic minimum quantity of food required for subsistence. The Planning Commission has defined the poverty line in terms of nutritional requirement of 2,400 calories per day per person for rural areas and 2,100 calories for urban areas.
During the period of 1956-57 about 65% of the rural population was below the poverty line. This decreased to about 46% in 1973-74.The percentage of urban poverty was about 50% during this period.The total number of people below poverty during this period was about 215 million. However, with the increasing GDP poverty has been coming down steadily. Only 22% of the population was estimated to be below poverty in 2004-05. On account of the population increase the total number of people below poverty is estimated to be about 260 million.
Q2."Despite economic growth massive poverty continues to exist in the country". How would you explain this phenomenon?
Upto the Fourth Plan, the government focused on economic growth to reduce poverty. It was thought that the trickle down effect of economic growth would reduce poverty. However, inspite of economic growth, poverty continues to exist in the country on account of the big increases in population.The current economic growth of about 8% cannot eliminate poverty as long as the population keeps increasing.Besides, on account of the lack of education the benefits of economic growth has not percolated to the less educated groups and the weaker sections of the society. Economic growth has been driven by the growth in the service sector. As a result the rural poor have not significantly benefited by this growth and therefore poverty continues to exist in this country.
Q3.Discuss briefly three special poverty alleviation programmes presently in operation in India.
Since the Fifth Five Year plan onwards (1974-79)Poverty Alleviation Programmes(PAP) have been an integral part of the attack on the problem of poverty.Various Poverty Alleviation Programmes have been launched to eliminate poverty.These schemes generate employment for the poor residing in rural areas and small towns. Some of these are:
Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yogna
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
Employment Assurance Scheme
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
Food for Work Programme
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Prime Minister's Rozgar Yogna
A detailed description of three of these are :
Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS): EAS was implemented from October 1993 in 1778 backward blocks situated in drought prone, desert,tribal and hilly areas. It was subsequently expanded to all rural blocks in the country.The cost of this scheme was shared by the Center and State governments in the ratio of 75:25.
The two main objective of the EAS are:
- to provide 100 days of work for 2 members of a rural family in an agricultural lean season.This is to create wage employment opportunities for rural people living below the poverty line.
- to use this scheme to provide the community with a durable productive community asset like irrigation canals,roads etc.
Food for Work Programme(FWP):This programme was launched in 2001.This programme was launched in drought affected rural areas of eight states. Under this scheme wage employment was created. Wages were paid party in foodgrains and partly in cash.This scheme was implemented by state governments.The Central Government helped the state government by providing food grain to be used as wage payment,free of cost.
Indira Awaas Yojana(IAY):This scheme is a poverty alleviation program used for constructing houses go be given to the poor.The rural poor were employed for the construction of houses for the poor,SC/ST and freed bonded labourers. This scheme is funded by the center and the states in the ratio of 75:25. Upto the end of 2006 153 lakh houses have been constructed under this scheme.
Q4.Assess the efficacy of poverty alleviation programme in the country.
Poverty alleviation programmes have been implemented from the Fifth Five year plan (1974-79). Since independence till the early 1970's there was no significant reduction of poverty in India. However, after the introduction of poverty alleviation programmes there has been a significant reduction in poverty.
The main achievement of the Poverty Alleviation Programmes are:
- the population below poverty has reduced from 55% in 1974-79 to 26% in 1999-2000.A 29% reduction in poverty is a significant achievement.
- the introduction of PAP has lead to an increase in wages in their area of operation.
- nutrition level of the poorest has improved.
- about half the increase in the income of the poor has been account of PAP.
All these achievements in about 17 years indicates that Poverty Alleviation Programmes have been successful in the country.
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