(Julius Caesar Act V,Scene II from the Julius Caesar Workbook by Xavier Pinto published by Morning Star.Suitable for students of ICSE schools of class X.If you have a query please post a comment below)
I(i)Where does this scene take place? What is meant by these bills? What is referred to as “the legions on the other side”?
This scene takes place on the battle-field of Philippi. Bills refers to the message that Messala has to deliver to Cassius asking Cassius to attack Octavius. The legions on the other side is the army of Octavius and Anthony.
I(ii) What instructions does Brutus give? To whom are these instructions given.
Brutus gives instructions that Cassius must immediately attack the troops of Octavius. These instructions are given to Cassius via Messala.
I(iii) Brutus hopes to have an advantage at this juncture. What indications has he perceived in this regards.
The indication that Brutus has got, which he feels may give him an advantage, is that the troops of Octavius are not enthusiastic at this point and therefore may not fight well.
I(iv) Give the meaning of “sudden push gives them overthrow”
When Brutus says this he means that a sudden attack on the forces of Octavius may defeat them.
I(v)What warning did Octavius give Brutus the previous night? How was the warning taken.
The warning Ocatavius gave the previous night was that he would fight against the Brutus and the other conspirators till either the killed them or got killed. He said that he would not rest till the death of Julius Ceasar was avenged. This warning was taken very lightly by both Brutus and Cassius. They responded by saying that Octavius was only a schoolboy who was not worthy of dying at the hands of Brutus.
I(vi) What change do you notice in the character of Brutus in this scene.?
The change that one can notice in the character of Brutus in this scene is that the seems to be more positive. He notices that the army of the enemy is less than enthusiastic and therefore sees some chance of a victory. He therefore announces his intention of immediately attacking the army of the enemy.
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